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Sue Kidwell awarded 2020 Paleontological Society Medal

Sue Kidwell

Sue Kidwell

We are happy to announce that Professor Susan Kidwell, a longtime member of CEB and the William Rainey Harper Professor of Geophysical Sciences, will be awarded the 2020 Paleontological Society Medal. The medal is "the most prestigious honor bestowed by the Society, reflecting the objectives and standards of the Society. It is awarded to a person whose eminence is based on advancement of knowledge in paleontology."

Susan has advanced knowledge in the field on many fronts, but a common theme has been understanding how the fossil record forms, and its implications for how we study the history of life on Earth and the record of sedimentary environments.

Paleontology at the University of Chicago – including past and present faculty, and alums – has now received 20 awards from the Paleontological Society, more than any other university, in a mix of GeoSci and CEB recipients that nicely reflects the interdisciplinary nature of the research and training done here.

Past UChicago recipients include:

Paleontological Society Medal

E.C. Olson [one of the founders of CEB]; H.A. Lowenstam; D.M. Raup; D. Jablonski

Schuchert Awardees

D.M. Raup [GeoSci/CEB faculty]; T.J.M. Schopf [GeoSci/CEB faculty]; J. J. Sepkoski, Jr. [GeoSci/CEB faculty]; D. Jablonski [GeoSci/CEB faculty]; P.R. Crane [GeoSci/CEB faculty]; S.M. Kidwell [GeoSci/CEB faculty]; C.R. Marshall [CEB alum]; M. Foote [CEB alum, GeoSci/CEB faculty]; S.M. Holland [GeoSci alum]; P.J. Wagner [GeoSci alum]; J. Alroy [CEB alum]; C.K. Boyce [GeoSci/CEB faculty]; G. Hunt [CEB alum]; S. Peters [GeoSci alum]; and in 2020, Lee Hsiang Liow [CEB alum]

Go paleo!