
Evolutionary Morphology Seminar Series

The Evolutionary Morphology Seminar Series brings students, faculty, post-docs, and the broader evolutionary biology community together for presentations on a vast array of interesting and relevant topics. 

Feijo research image
Li lab






The 2023-2024 EvMorph series concludes with an engaging and diverse lineup of speakers joining us in Spring Quarter:

Date / Time Speaker Affiliation Seminar title
March 28, 4:30pm Anderson Feijo The Field Museum Diversification, adaptation, and climate resilience of Montane mammals                    
April 11, 4:30pm Guang Li Xiamen University, China Amphioxus and origin of vertebrates and chordates                    
April 25, 4:30pm 2024 Sewall Wright speaker: Armita Manafzadeh Yale University Joints: Form, function, and the foundation of vertebrate motion
(please email for presentation link)            
May 9, 4:30pm Lee Hsiang Liow University of Oslo Understanding phenotypic change on geological time scales: Bryozoans as a study system                

The annual Sewall Wright Lecture honors Dr. Sewall Wright (1889–1988), a pioneer in evolutionary biology, a co-founder of the field of population genetics, and a UChicago faculty member for 3 decades. Darwinian Sciences students nominate and vote for the annual Sewall Wright speaker, who is invited to deliver a special EvMorph in Spring Quarter.

Liow lab


Students, if you missed an EvMorph: just click on the seminar title to access the Zoom recording



Click on the titles below to listen to any of these seminars:

Autumn Quarter 2023

Winter Quarter 2024

Autumn Quarter 2022: 

Winter Quarter 2023:

Spring Quarter 2023: