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Evolutionary Morphology Seminar Series

The Evolutionary Morphology Seminar Series brings together students, faculty, post-docs, and the broader evolutionary biology community, for presentations on interesting and novel topics that are relevant to research focused on evolution, ecology, morphology, geophysical sciences, theoretical evolutionary models, anatomy, and more. 

Arjan Mann, Field Museum
Ava Ghezalayagh, UChicago GeoSci




The 2024-2025 EvMorph series continues with an engaging and diverse lineup of speakers joining us in Winter Quarter:

Date / Time Speaker Affiliation Seminar title
Jan. 16, 5pm Arjan Mann Field Museum Geology The Late Carboniferous radiation of tetrapods and the origins of terrestrial ecosystems: New insights from the Midwest!
Jan. 30, 5pm Ava Ghezelayagh UChicago GeoSci Space, time and trees: Understanding diversification in the oceans
Feb. 13, 5pm Phil Anderson University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Living on the Point: A decade of puncture research from Crossbows to Fish Pendula
Feb. 20, 5pm 2025 Darwin Admissions: John Bates & Shannon Hackett Field Museum Birds

The bioeconomy through the lens of birds and biodiversity

Phil Anderson, UIUC

Students, if you missed an EvMorph: just click on the seminar title to access the Zoom recording

Bates & Hackett, Field Museum Birds






Autumn 2024