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Field Sites & Training Programs

University of Chicago resources

UChicago Marine Science -- an overview of UC's large community of researchers studying marine ecosystems, with links to researchers' labs.

Marine Biological Laboratory (Woods Hole, MA) -- MBL offers advanced, discovery-based courses for graduate students, as well as workshops, and conferences year-round. MBL scientists explore the origins, diversity, and nature of life on a changing planet.

Local & National resources

Bodega Marine Laboratory / UC Davis Coastal & Marine Sciences Institute -- provides hands-on training to students in the fields of marine science and policy, and fosters an interdisciplinary, collaborative approach to address challenging questions at the rapidly changing land-sea interface.

Friday Harbor Laboratories / University of Washington -- students study oceanography, chemistry, biology, ecology and other marine disciplines, connecting learning to the rich ecosystems thriving in the San Juan Archipelago.

Highlands Biological Station / Western Carolina University -- workshops offered throughout the year, and summer courses focused on the special biological features of the southern Appalachians, as well as areas of study at a mountain field station.

Indiana Dunes National Park -- educational programs offered at the park, as well as various locations in northern Indiana, allow students to study and explore rare ecosystems.

Kellogg Biological Station / Michigan State University -- researchers conduct and support projects in ecology, evolutionary biology, agriculture, and conservation biology across the continuum of basic to applied research.

Organization for Tropical Studies -- courses provide hands-on research experience in plant eco-physiology, microbial ecology, molecular ecology, remote sensing, rapid biodiversity inventories, and other topics.

The Shedd Aquarium -- ongoing projects seek to better understand wild animals and their habitats, inform conservation strategies, protect endangered species, and better understand relationships between the countless organisms in our environments.